September 9, 2013No Comments

The NEW Face of Business Blogs

Creative Website and Web Designer in Chartlotte

Here is a list of reasons why it is critical to have a company blog...

Go ahead, shrug off the thought of being a blogger! Dismiss the idea of Designing a blog for your company! It will be impossible to ignore how social media has completely turned business marketing upside down. Blogs are the pin point of this explosion and they are simply the single-most important marketing piece for your company to have!!

Here are just a few points to consider when thinking about Business Blogging:
1] A blog is very easy to set-up and maintain!
2] Blogging  keywords using categories and keyword tags are the fuel for great SEO.
3] Based on a HubSpot Survey, Business Blogging Leads to 55% More Website Visitors
4] Integrate all of Your Social profiles (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Newsletters, etc.) to one place...
5) An efficient blog can be automatically integrated into most of your social profiles.
6) Regular blogging, of relevant business content, allows you to visit your clients as much as you would like.
7) Blogging  will help in researching your business practices and staying current.
8) Blogging creates opportunities for Public Relations and possible interviews
9) Blogging  Analytics will give you an insight to your clients needs.
10) Blogging  gives you a platform to promote your Brand!

Blogging  will allow you to influence and be influenced on a regular basis!!

June 18, 2013No Comments

Social Media…”Wildfire!”

Wildfire Social Media Marketing Software...

  • The number one priority is enabling your social and digital marketing success. Whether it's mastering a platform, creating connections with your customers, or tying your social efforts to your business objectives, Wildfire has the right resources to help you achieve your social marketing goals!

March 21, 2013Comments are off for this post.

Migrating a WordPress

If you are building a wordpress on a local host, then this a plug-in worth taking a look at. It is called WP Migrate DB. See screenshot below...

Website Design in Charlotte, NCIf you are comfotable editing the config.php file then check out this link..."How to transfer a WordPress Site."