February 3, 2015Comments are off for this post.

Tilt-Shift Photography | Photoshop | Lens Blur

Charlotte_Trolley_Lens_EffectHere the Tilt-Shift effect done in Photoshop CC, which takes a photo and models it, to look as if it were a scaled model toy. It is a great effect that is definitely not new, but can still be very effective. For a step-by-step tutorial, tiltshiftphotography.net has broken it down, very simple.

[Click for tutorial link]


October 10, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Creative ideas for Social Media updates



Are you struggling to find ideas for posts on Twitter, Facebook and Google+?

Do you need to come up with additional social media updates?

Even seasoned social media marketers can find it difficult to keep up with the demand for fresh content.

In this article you’ll discover 26 (A to Z style) prompts to help you deliver a never-ending supply of social media updates.

Source: Social Media Examiner

September 17, 2014Comments are off for this post.

One Page Sites & UX

Muse_ScreenShotSource: Creative Branding Site