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4919 Park Road
Suite A
Charlotte, NC 28209

Tel: 980-275-1757

Quote Number QUO-651
Quote Date January 9, 2023
Total $112.50
Capital Management of the Carolinas

1520 South Blvd #230
Charlotte, NC 28203

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1.5 Production Hour

We will be using the 2 colors Dark Blue and Dark Burgundy for both the logo on the letterhead and the #10 envelope. The bold line on both will be Dark blue as it is on the letterhead. Also the NC icon will be an outline with a circle around it as it is on the letterhead, so that they both match. The NC icon will be in the same position on the envelope, the only difference is it will be an outline to match the letterhead icon and it will be slightly smaller.

There are 2 text edits, deleting the NC on the letterhead and changing Facsimile to "Fax".

Sub Total $112.50
Tax $0.00
Total $112.50