April 21, 2013No Comments

WebPage Optimization Tool

Are you wondering why your page loads really slow?


Here is a really great place to start testing all of the elements of your websites pages. Test Image compression, excess CSS rules, etc. The faster your load time, the better your results!!

Google Page Speed Insights Tool... Read On!

March 21, 2013No Comments

Website Design and AJAX

Ajax is not a single element, but a combination of HTML and CSS in combination with JavaScript...changing static elements of a website, and makes them more interactive and dynamic.

Here some good links to start understanding the language of AJAX...

Hands On: Understanding AJAX

A Quick Guide to Understanding AJAX

Mastering AJAX, Part 1: Introduction to AJAX

If you are like me, here is a video...

March 21, 2013Comments are off for this post.

Migrating a WordPress

If you are building a wordpress on a local host, then this a plug-in worth taking a look at. It is called WP Migrate DB. See screenshot below...

Website Design in Charlotte, NCIf you are comfotable editing the config.php file then check out this link..."How to transfer a WordPress Site."